Concept & Costume: Jérôme Delbey
Choreography: Jérôme Delbey in collaboration with Erik Johansson
light design: Jérôme Delbey & Joakim Brink
Dancer: Erik Johansson
SOLDAT explores the profound, all-consuming of a soldier.
On one hand, soldiers can be perceived as humans turned killing-machines, perpetrators of violence and the other hand, they are also the exploited victims of war, who have been robbed of their youth and innocence. What roles do fear, loneliness, and isolation play in their experience?
SOLDAT is not the representation of a war in particular but taking its inspiration from past and present wars tends to cover a universal aspect of the soldier. "SOLDAT" is a psychological journey. Rather than describing the life and actions of soldiers it focuses on the inner world, the impacts of war on people´s psyche and the trauma that remains for those who were thrown into nightmare like situations - the mental and physical consequences of violence as a task and experience.
SOLDAT is an homage to stolen youth, to those who cried and died in the name of wars that were rarely their own.
© Jérôme Delbey - Soldat -2010

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